How to Check Your Home Depot Store Credit Balance

Home Depot is one of the largest home improvement stores in the country. If you have a store credit card, you may be wondering how to check your balance. In this blog post, we'll show you how to do just that. How to Check Home Depot Store Credit Balance Checking the balance of your Home Depot store credit…


Canada RIT (Refund Income Tax) Deposit: Facts You Need to Know!

For many people, tax season is a time of stress and anxiety. However, there is one bright spot that can make the whole process a little more bearable: receiving a tax refund. If you open your bank account and see a deposit from the Canada Revenue Agency labeled "Canada RIT," it means that you are among the fortunate…


What Credit Score Do You Need to Finance a Bike?

It's no secret that having a low credit score can be a real pain in the neck. You might not be able to get approved for a loan, or you might have to pay through the nose for interest rates. But did you know that your low credit score could also prevent you from financing something as simple…


Can Applying for a Credit Card Hurt Your Scores?

It seems like everything these days can hurt your credit score. You might be wondering if applying for a new credit card will lower your score, or if having too many cards will make you look desperate to lenders. So what's the deal? Can applying for a credit card hurt your credit score? In this article, we will…


Inflation and Your Credit Score- Does it Affect it?

Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life. It can determine everything from the interest rate you pay on a mortgage to whether you are approved for a car loan. So it's important to make sure that your credit score is as high as possible. But what happens if inflation starts to take…